AJ Menu Solutions


All posts by ajmenusolutions

Join me in Halifax this June

I will be at the CSNM Convention in Halifax from June 12th to 14th. Come join me and register today. https://bondexec.eventsair.com/csnm2024/.

I am looking forward to speaking with my colleagues at 3:30 PM on June 13th and at 8:45 AM on June 14th during the convention in the session titled ‘The Use of Simulation (SIM) in Training to Improve Outcomes for your Team’.

We will present a SIM of a high-stake situation for training dietary aides/food service workers.

A SIM is a form of experiential learning, where learners participate in planned educational activities that mimic ‘real-life’ situations followed by guided reflection.

Outline for Presentation:
¨ Explanation of SIM
¨ Proof of SIM as a best practice for training
¨ Presentation of a SIM
¨ Roundtable reflection of using SIM in the workplace